didactic equipment: – Theoretical topic coverage: Voltage drop in series connection, The measurement of the angular displacement by means of a potentiometer, Lamps, The light plant of an automobile, The stop lights, The intermittent lights, The diodes in the light plant, The use of the diodes for dividing the circuits, Operating principles of the relay, Circuits with relays, Delay circuits with relays, The thermistors in the automobile, Thermal switches, The acoustic signalling, The engine starting control – Circuit blocks: The voltage drops, The side lights and the reverse lights, The normal beams, The high beams, The stop lights, The intermittent lights, Use of the relay, The thermal sensors, The acoustic signalling, The engine starting control. It must be possible to perform the following experiences: The voltage drops, The side ligths and the reverse lights, The normal beams, The high beams, The stop lights, The intermittent lights, Use of the relay , The thermal sensors, The acoustic signalling, The engine starting control. The faults must be inserted by software and by microswitches mounted on the board. The module must be provided with a EISA BUS 31+18 INTERFACE for connection to power supply and PC, with a software able to allow the study of theoretical topics through PC with hyper textual navigation according to the HTML standard. Connections and test points by 2mm terminals.
Dimensions of the module: 297x260mm.
The module must be supplied with a theoretical and practical manual.