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The AC to DC converters are called rectifiers circuits, which can be classified based on the type of AC source and the type of semiconductor switch is used; they are usually used in either single-phase or three-phase applications but multi-phase configurations or topologies are also possible for high power applications. The switches that are used in rectifier’s designs can be either uncontrolled (diode) or controlled devices (thyristor or SCR). Rectifiers are typically used as front-end circuits in many power system applications and if not applied correctly, they can cause harmonics and low power factor when they are connected to the power grid. De Lorenzo has available two trainers which allow the study of the two types of devices (uncontrolled and controlled) mentioned before. They have modular structure and consist of didactic panels mounted on vertical frames and offer opportunity to perform various topics and experiments. They are dedicated to high schools and first years of university.

0936 885 933