An electric machine is a general term for machines using electromagnetic forces; it is a device that converts mechanical energy into electrical energy (Generator) or vice versa (Motor). Electric machines also include transformers, which do not make conversion between mechanical and electrical form and do not have any moving parts but they convert AC current from one voltage level to another voltage level keeping the same frequency. The Test bench, proposed here by De Lorenzo, is a multipurpose bench for the study and the deepening of Eurolab (0.3 kW) and Unilab (1.1 kW) laboratories. It is composed of a prime mover controlled by an inverter, a user interface with data acquisition software using the Modbus protocol and developed in LabView, an HMI gateway allowing the use of the prime mover as drive or load and instruments that carry out mechanical as well as electrical data. Beside this basic bench, the client can choose from a complete list of machines and accessories what he needs to study in depth. It is recommended for high schools and first years of university.