TC-5300L Binocular Inverted Brightfield/Phase Contrast Biological Microscope with LED illumination

SKU: TC-5300L

Our latest inverted microscope line is the cost-effective TC-5000 Series Inverted Biological Microscopes. The TC Series makes routine examining of tissue cultures, microbes and other live specimens in petri dishes and culture bottles fast and easy while delivering an excellent performance-to-cost ratio. The TC Series is available in brightfield, phase contrast and epi-fluorescence models. The TC5000 Series Microscopes have an integrated front mounted camera port with adapters available for 35mm, CCD/CMOS and other cameras.

The TC-5300 and TC-5400 Series are suitable for viewing colorless and transparent specimens and live cells. The TC-5300 and TC-5400 Series are contrast-enhancing optical tools that can be utilized in producing high-contrast images of transparent specimens such as living cells, microorganisms, thin tissue slices, lithographic patterns, and sub-cellular particles (such as nuclei and other organelles). In effect, the phase contrast technique employs an optical mechanism to translate minute variations in phase into corresponding changes in amplitude. One of the major advantages of phase contrast microscopy is that living cells can be examined in their natural state without being killed, fixed, and stained. As a result, the dynamics of ongoing biological processes in live cells can be observed and recorded with sharp view of the specimen.

0966 078 651