BioNomadix Gonio/Torsio Adapter

This adapter connects goniometers and torsiometers to a wireless BN-GONIO-T transmitter; use one adapter per channel.

BioNomadix goniometers and torsiometers include the required BN-ADAPT-GONIO adapter(s):

  • Two adapters included with BN-GON-110-XDCR and BN-GON-150-XDCR goniometers
  • One adapter included with BN-GON-F-XDCR finger goniometer and BN-TOR-110-XDCR and BN-TOR-150-XDCR torsiometers

Adapters can also be used with existing BIOPAC or 3rd-party goniometers and torsiometers to make them compatible with the BioNomadix wireless transmitter.

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