• Determining contraction and speed coefficients.
• Calculating the discharge coefficient
– Outlet holes
– Outlet nozzles
• Determination of the discharge coefficient by flow measurement
– Outlet holes
– Outlet nozzles
• For different flow, rates recalculate the preceding exercises.
• Emptying a tank comparison with different initial heights.
Cylindrical tank Ø 200mm x 430mm
• Outlet hole to which accessory have to be connected : 30mm
• Outlet nozzle : 10mm – straight
• Outlet nozzle : 10mm – 45° angle
• Outlet nozzle : 10mm – diaphragm
The system has been designed to study the contraction phenomenon that occurs when a fluid pass through an orifice.
It has three nozzles whose geometry differs from each other in order to perform tests at different conditions. It is provided with a Pitot tube through which it is possible to measure the fluid speed at the outlet.
To perform the tests successfully, the system has a jet diameter measuring device that can be regulated for more accurate measurements.
Moreover, it is provided with a water column gauge which allows the water level measurement in the tank and the height of the water jet.