The trainer has a modular structure that will grant teachers and students extreme flexibility during the study of the related topics and the performance of the experiments.
An interactive multimedia software is also available to allow performing the experiments set‐up as well as the visualization and management of the collected data through PC.
The control unit of this trainer allows controlling and operating a speed‐variable double‐feed asynchronous generator.
Thanks to this control unit it is possible to simulate and investigate the operating principles of this topic.
This control unit allows approaching and theoretically in depth analyzing the following topics:
• Operation of the double‐feed asynchronous generator;
• Integrated power switch for switching the generator online;
• Reactive and active power, frequency and voltage control;
• Mains synchronization.
This trainer is complete with the relevant software that can control and set the several operations of the system; with this software it is possible to adjust the wind speed and profile and to examine the effects on the operating functions of a real wind power plant.
Another important feature of this software is related to the possibility to control, parameterize and visualize the obtained data.